About Lisa Spero
Lisa was born into a family who loved to travel. Beaches, mountains, and national parks were memorable parts of her youth. At a very young age, she began taking photos with an inexpensive point and shoot, and occasionally with her father’s 35 mm camera.
As her experience grew and opportunities expanded, many of her photos became noticeably more professional. With minimal instruction, Lisa always seemed to find the best angle, distance, and depth of field. A family friend and professional photographer, Rick Mueller, was so impressed with her work that he gave her a professional quality camera, which accelerated her photo experimentation.
Over the years, Lisa has taken a variety of nature photos, primarily from national parks, water, animal scenes. Many artists look to her works with much interest and desire to interpret her work into paintings. Lisa’s success comes from her love of animals and nature, and her patience to wait and linger and secure that perfect image.